Delivery within 100 miles of Stockton Ca.
Sold by the Square Foot. Minimum 300 Square Feet.
Bolero PlusTM blend was created with the addition of bluegrass to BoleroTM dwarf fescue. Providing the same qualities offered in BoleroTM the addition of bluegrass assures better density, faster wear recovery and better wintering.
New and Improved Bolero Plus™, with Lateral Spread Technology provides enhanced turf cover and uniform growth.
- Fine bluegrass-like texture sets Bolero™ apart from other tall fescues varieties
- Bolero’s compact growth habit results in a lower maintenance turf with fewer clippings
- Exceptional dark green genetic color year around
- Improved drought and heat tolerance

* Bobtail fee of $100 may be required to complete delivery if delivery address is not accessible by the standard delivery truck. Please see Bobtail Disclosure
** Roll Size and Roll Weight can differ.